69” x 62” x 12”
Mixed Media

Gabriel gave Mary a choice. One that out of free will, she accepted. That is more than the vilified forced political breeding receptacle she would be today.

The brutal erasure of 51% of the United States’ population—represented by the covering of the woman’s face in this sculpture--is in full swing. The sacrificial crucifixion converts a woman’s identity into a scorned inanimate object, as a loosely wrapped American Flag is interlaced invasively between her legs. And she is white, to represent the privileged, who thought they would never suffer the same demeaning sexual discrimination that women of color have been suffering for generations. This particular flag also has a secret. One that will be revealed when seen in person.

The reality is that the bodies of our American mothers, daughters, wives, and grandmothers will now forcefully be relinquished to become property of the State, and subject to the ownership, control, and whims of whatever elected politician clamors to hold office. The frothy insanity of power and cruelty is on full display with males reveling in their newly elevated domination and narcissistic sexual prowess. A man wearing an NYFD shirt, a shirt that represents trusted first responders, screamed to women on the street while holding a rosery in a clenched fist “YOUR BODY IS NOW MINE. IT BELONGS TO ME.” - Newsweek 5/9/2022.* The hatred of women is apparent. Monsters, who we were told as little girls were called ‘Prince Charming', walk amongst us.

Several states are now denying access to terminate a pregnancy even if the woman is brutally raped by a stranger or by any male family member. In Alabama, if a child is raped and impregnated by her father, uncle, brother, or grandfather, she will be forced to carry the baby to term or be thrown in prison for life. Some states are even trying to implement the death penalty.

The invasion of a woman’s privacy is staggering. The Republican Health Director of Missouri has been tracking women’s menstrual cycles who use Planned Parenthood in his state through an app, to keep up with their fertility cycles. A company called “Safe Graph,” run by wealthy bounty hunters, is planning to get rich off of selling the data of any woman attempting to secure an abortion or medical care and turning them over to law enforcement. They have recently been selling data, gathered through monthly menstrual cycle apps, of women’s periods online to anyone who can pay as little as $160.

I’ve heard good men in South Arkansas tell me “I don’t care what the government does as long as they don’t step foot on my land.” Well, that day has come boys. They are here. Strange men hired by politicians, men you do not know, will now be bounty hunting your wives, daughters, nieces, granddaughters, and young grandmothers like wild game and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. They are spying on many of them as we speak and selling their personal fertility and medical data online to strangers with nefarious agendas. They will come for your women in the day or the middle of the night, and drag them from their jobs and churches to arrest if they are suspected of taking illegal birth control or attempt to terminate a rape or incestual pregnancy.

These politicians who are busy whipping men up in a misogynistic frenzy don’t give a damn about American families and the struggles of surviving the economic changes brought on by COVID and technological modernization. It is predicted that by 2032, which is only 10 years from now, there will be a net loss of 1.42 million additional US Jobs to industrial automation. In other words, there’s going to be a lot of unemployed men in America and almost every family I know needs two incomes to stay afloat.

When birth control is banned, companies won’t hire women due to the pregnancy explosion and additional expense. There won’t be enough restaurant workers, schoolteachers, grocery store employees, nurses, doctors, or surgical center employees. Not to mention today’s high prices that are here to stay. Wait till the skyrocketing pregnancy medical bills roll in one right after another. With the lack of additional income, jobs and healthcare, the middle class will completely disappear and poverty will decimate families. I could go on. Americans complaining about gas going up a few bucks? Try cutting your household income in half while having five or six more mouths to feed.

Once again the cry for ”States Rights,” that 160 years ago fought to the death to enslave human flesh, is rising again. And with the brazen attempted repeal of Civil Rights precedent, women are just the tip of the iceberg.

Here is a current tally from Strategist Max Burns on Twitter:

- An AZ Senate candidate is calling for state bans on condoms.

- Tennessee GOP law now makes it a felony (with a $50K fine) to receive abortion medication via mail. 

- TN Senator Marsha Blackburn calls for a contraception ban except for married couples.

- Minority Leader of the Senate and KY Senator Mitch McConnell floats a "possible" national abortion ban and would look to kill the filibuster immediately to implement it.

- Missouri GOP is debating a bill to ban women from traveling out of state for abortions. Read this again. Women will not be able to cross state lines if their menstrual cycle is monitored by the State and questioned. 

- West Virginia is leaving in place a 19th-century anti-abortion law that makes obtaining an abortion punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

- Arkansas GOP trigger law would make it a felony to obtain an abortion, and women would lose their right to vote until certain financial and incarceration requirements were met.

- Oklahoma GOP passes Texas-style abortion "Bounty Hunter" law.

- Florida Sen. Marco Rubio introduced federal legislation to punish private companies that provide travel benefits for women to obtain abortions in states where they are legal.

- Idaho GOP is openly discussing the idea of banning not only Plan B, but IUDs, which are a lifesaving medication and a device, to women suffering from Menorrhagia (Hemorrhaging blood).

Tom Joseph, a Chicago and Silicon Valley investor stated on Twitter: “Alito is wrong. While the Constitution doesn’t mention “abortion,” the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. Forcing a woman to bear a child is involuntary servitude. No one has a right to use someone else’s body against their will, even if it saves a fetus.”

He’s right. If that were the case, forced organ donation in everyday life would be mandatory for all American citizens. There’s also not enough room here to go into the bloated corporate profits made from locking up people who fall under these insane laws. Beds, which are already full of black and brown Americans, are big state and federal bucks especially in small struggling communities that need the revenue and jobs. Jail expansion will be nationwide. They’ll be needed due to the increased flow of abused and desperate women and for when they make LGBTQ and interracial marriages illegal next.

Mary is hanging on my wall as a reminder of the never-ending brutality and sacrifices women have had to endure in America. The Flag that covers her face and intertwines through her legs, was requested and acquired through Senator Mitch McConnell's office. You really want to Make America Great Again? Preserve your family and freedom and take out the trash. Vote these deceitful extremists, the true home wreckers, who are once again lying and exploiting the local populace for their own financial, political and social gain, out.



*The NYFD released a statement on May 9, 2022 stating that the man was not part of their Dept. The man was later identified as a friend of a retired NYFD member.

Fabric, steel, plastic, sculpting epoxy, paint